Interesting Bird Fact -Researchers Discover Puffins Fluorescent Beaks

Puffins are known for digging burrows and mating for life (just like the Egyptian Goose) but a recent discovery has made the seabird seem even more unique. British ornithologist, Jamie Dunning, found that the beaks of Atlantic puffins are fluorescent and glow a bright blue when placed under an ultraviolet light. Dunning made the discovery back in…Read More

Being outside can have Massive Health Benefits. Science-backed reasons to spend more time outdoors

Shutterstock   Spending time in forests , hiking in mountains, and time being outside can lead to significant health benefits. Studies have shown that walking in the wild can improve blood pressure, lift mental health issues, and reduce cancer probability. So seek some time “forest-bathing” to improve your health. Many people spend workdays indoors under…Read More

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