World Albatross Day – 19 June

To raise awareness that thousands of albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters dying every year as a result of fisheries operations and other human-induced threats, the Agreement on the conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) is inaugurating a World Albatross Day (WAD), to be held annually from 2020 on 19 June, the date the Agreement was signed in 2001.  The…Read More

Get this Beautiful Bird Book while you Support a Great Social Cause

The Kamat family are passionate birdwatchers. They are also on a mission to help impoverished school children in Atlanta, Guyana, Kenya and India. Firstly they put together a beautiful birding book from their trip through Florida. Then they partnered with Every Child Counts, a non profit organization that is committed to providing children with everything…Read More

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